Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last night I came into my mom and my bil talking about his wife.  "yeah shes' not as big as her,
(her being me) but shes' really getting up there too"

You know mom you were as big as a house and we never said anything mean to you while I was growing up. I was taught (by someone, sure as hell not by you) to be kind to other people.

Said about a person at our church 'I saw so and so in his shorts the other day ad he was so fat i just laughed and laughed.  Really he is just disgusting.

about five minutes later

so and so is going to have a heart attack if he doesn't change his ways... without missing a beat mom then says 'hows' your heart?"

yeah well fuck you mom I had just had a baby a month earlier

So let me get this right you laugh and laugh at fat people, you think i am fat.. therefore you laugh and laugh at me.  so yeah..

I'll take my 200 lbs and kick you with them

Two weeks ago my mother claims my husband hugged her too hard and now shes' bad mouthing him to the family.  One year ago my husband had to help her to bed because she drank to much and she tried to put her hands down his pants.. My husband is a gentleman and didn't say anything.   Two weeks ago my mom put advances on him that he stomped out.. SO go mommy go!  no really.. just go